July 07, 2012

Alegren el Corazón

"Sólo quiero que mis obras alegren el corazón e inunden de luz los ojos y el alma."
(I only want my works to lighten the heart and flood the eyes and soul with light.)

This lovely quote expresses the artistic desire of the Catalan artist Joaquim Mir.  In 2009, I visited the exhibition Joaquim Mir. Anthology 1873-1940 at the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum and was instantly charmed with his canvases.  Mir has a way of painting that seems effortless, as the colors melt and mix into one another.  The exhibition in Bilbao was unforgettable, as Mir’s many magnificent paintings truly lightened my heart and flooded me with warm light.

For more on Joaquim Mir from the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya-

For more on the 2009 exhibition Joaquim Mir. Anthology 1873-1940-

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